Sunday, November 13, 2011

DIY recessed shelving - Part II

It's all done but the trim work, which will have to be Part III of this post... 
Have a lunch date with my dad first...

Here's the progress so far:
 Lay it out and mark for the 1/8" birch plywood backing

 Cut using a jig saw

 I chose a natural stain finish for a contrast, but you could paint it a matching or contrast color or even wall paper it at this point

 The MDF I used came prepainted with a matte finish, but it was marked up so I gave it a quick coat of glossy white

 Here are the two ready for glue and nails

 Ready to be installed

Here's the dry fit - just some shims to keep it centered and plumb and it'll be ready to nail into place flush with the dry wall.  Then the trim will come later.....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

DIY recessed shelving - Part I

Here's a little project I am doing in the 3rd bedroom.  There's a little area between the closet door and the corner of the wall where it was just perfect for a little recessed shelving unit....
The measurements are 16"x34" with 3 fixed shelves.
Had to block out the framing to make it fit where I wanted it to between the studs, but it's coming along nicely.
Cut the hole

Frame out the top, bottom and sides - glue and nail for stability

 Add shelves - glued and nailed
Shelf is ready for the backing and to be installed...  did a dry fit tonight with out the backing, but had to go to dinner with friends...

So, the rest will be the Part II blog post tomorrow ...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Slogger... or is it Flogger...

I am either a Slacker-Blogger or a Failed-Blogger!
Either way.  The end of this spring semester seems to have gotten the best of me!

I failed in my 365 challenge to myself and I have fallen down on the blogging.
It is certainly not because I haven't had anything to blog about.  Au Contraire!!
I have had PLENTY.  Just no time or energy to blog.  I even have on the go blogging with my Andriod app and the iPad, yet here I am.  Blogging now after school is vurtually done.

I say virtually because the kids are out of school, but I still have a couple days and a workshop in Fredericksburg...I can't wait!!

Then for June it's projects around the Mimosa house... and July will be all about family reunions and projects at the Sherwood Loop house...
then a weekend with the sisterchicks in Ruidoso the first weekend of August and then... oh dreaded then... it's practically back to work!  School starts the 22nd of August! YIKES!

Ok, I have to stop talking about it now. I feel as if my whole summer has just passed.

Friday, March 25, 2011


The sun setting while we were walking the Eagle Run Trail, AKA the dam walk....

blogged on the go from my android phone

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

C365 Update

Yes, if you are following along even remotely closely you will see I skipped a few numbers/days.

I haven't actually skipped them entirely.
I have photos for those days, but I have not had time to post!

I will get them up loaded soon and get caught up :)


C365:18 - Success!

Walked again today.

Started using iMapMyWalk to track my nutrition & exercise! Best part?

Well, there's two best parts ...

1 it's free!

2 it's also an app on my phone!!!

I  LOVE technology! !!!!!!!!

blogged on the go from my android phone

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

C365:16, misadventures

These are my keys:
They have been on a little misadventure all their own for the past 29 hours.

Yep, those are my keys.
And that is my brass key chain.  My key chain that I have had since I was in Jr Hi.  My dad found it for me on one of our trips to Minnesota.  The brass heart is also from way back then.  I bought it at camp in Minnesota.

So as you can tell by the age of my key chain.  I am not the sort of person to lose my keys. 

You know the old adage, You don't know what you've got until it's gone?

It is SO true!

I wasn't sad at all about losing the 18 or so keys on there.  (And yes, I can tell you what each one goes to!)

I was sad about the key chain!

But, they are tonight back with their rightful owner.  Safe and away from the hands of my hubby who left them... at the post office!

I am so blessed to live in a small city where people do the right thing.

I don't guess I'll ever know what sort of adventures they had while they were away.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Finally have a couple little birdies moving in to one of the bird houses my dad made....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


"Open your mouth and close your eyes...
...and you will get a big surprise!"


Just as we were wrapping up things at our cabin....
This sweet lady comes up for some apples and corn!

I can't believe she let me pet her! I was in heaven!


That pretty much sums up Sunday nights dinner and cards with friends.

We had Bambi Bites appetizers, Sweet 'n' Smokey Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, and Tossed Salad.

We drank beer (some of us started a little early, Dave...).
I drank wine(a whole bottle).
We played cards.

...and this is the result.

No more to be said.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


One of our visitors today...  She's got quite a hole in her left ear.

It's a mystery...

Is it a war wound?

Or... was she a rebel in her teen years and got an ear gauge?


Marquis and his fiance Janelle stopped in Ruidoso on their way to San Angelo and let us entertain them!  Of course we took them to our favorite spot to meet all of our gang!

Of course Janelle and I got to talk about possible wedding ideas!!  We are so happy for them!


Steller's Jay - We always see these in pairs here at the cabin... 
Such a beautiful bird!

Friday, March 11, 2011

365: update

the postings for the 365 challenge are on a hiatus.
I am still taking a daily photo, but they aren't going to get uploaded just yet.

too busy!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


A rare sight in West Texas.  a pond along a creek in San Saba County...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today I worked way down south in Rocksprings, TX...  Just outside there is a marker that indicates the Mackenzie Trail that crossed the now Hwy 55 and connected Forts Clark and McKavett.
I used the action scripts from The Pioneer Woman.  Did I mention I love  LOVE Photoshop!??! (not to mention her...)
This was using her Old West Action Script.   It's a little washed out in the sky because it was one of those overcast, but really bright days...
And being in the hurry that I was... well, I didn't take the time to put on the UV filter.

For those interested the marker reads:

Mackenzie Trail
(Merged at this point into SH 55)
When the U.S. Army built Forts Clark (70 MI SW) and McKavett (90 MI NE) in 1852, this frontier trail connected the posts.  After Fort Concho was established in 1867, the trail was extended farther north, to present San Angelo. It was later named for Col. Ranald S Mackenzie, the 1873 Commander of Fort Clark, who traveled it in his campaigns against hostile indians. One of its landmarks was Mackenzie Lake (6.5 MI N) which furnished water for the troops, for settlers, and for Texas Rangers on frontier patrols.

Monday, March 7, 2011


My birthday present arrived!
It actually arrived Friday, but I wasn't able to pick it up until today...

I've already moved in!


I am a little late in posting my first picture of my 365 challenge...
The sun is shining and the clouds are glowing... with a rainbow ring around them...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My new challenge...

The day after my WOA-2011 has come to a close I embark on a new challenge.

I have had several friends try this challenge and I have been waiting for the right time to initiate it.

Now is the time.

I am starting my 365 challenge.   I  am challenging to document one photo a day for 365 days. 

Can I do it? we'll see
Will I be challenged?  I imagine
What will I photograph?  who knows!!

So, today it begins.  Photo # 1 to come sometime today....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

left overs...

left overs are good for creating a new Cricut Gypsy bag....

It is partially lined with the striped fabric...
I used ric rac to help hide the stitching where I attached the lining.
The little handles look like they're held on with buttons.

This bag was made from the scraps left over from Connie's pillowcase.  I also made me a new travel pillowcase, but I haven't taken pictures yet. 
Perhaps tomorrow.

I've come to the conclusion...

... that my inner scrapbooker is being neglected.

I should remedy that.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

the long lost cross...

So, last year for my 40th birthday some friends got together and gave me a gift certificate for a local bead store.
I bought all kinds of goodies including one large off white cross with dark specks and marbling.
It was going to be my newest cross-craft creation.  I had previously used my scrapbooking rub-ons on a flat piece of pink turquoise.  I love the way it turned out!  I also added a few rhinestones.
I am not happy with the overall necklace, but I can change that.

I digress.

Back to the cross.  I envisioned some shabby chic rub-ons and some more rhinestones, of course.
I loaded all my crafting supplies up to take to Ruidoso for the summer where I was hoping the mountain air would inspire me.

At last I felt inspired, got out my jewelry making lot and... no cross!  What??
What could I have done with it??

I searched in every nook and cranny possible.  No cross.   *grrrr*

So fast forward to yesterday.  I bought a new shirt for the rodeo that had some bling.  Notice I said some.  It needed more.  So I get out the Hot Fix Setter and... what???!!??  My cross!  In the box I keep the extra rhinestones in!

So today's project:  Create the Cross-Craft Cross (no alliteration intended, I promise!)
An hour later or so...
Here it is!
I am really happy with the way it turned out!

Now all that's left is to figure out what to wear it on!! I used the shepherds hook so it will be interchangeable.
I have some flat pillow rectangle beads I may try to make a necklace with... not sure yet.  Have to sit back and wait for creativity to strike again. 

Let's just hope it's not another year later!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The quickest pillow case ever!

So, I procrastinated enough in the past week and waited until literally the last hour to make this before I ran out the door!
This is a smaller version of the standard pillow cases I usually make.   This is a 12" x 16" case.  
This pillow is for a dear friend who will go in for a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery in the next two weeks.
Turns out, I selected the perfect size!  I chose it because they are going out of town for the surgery and I thought that this pillow would be easier to take than a larger, standard pillow.   This is exactly what her list of items to bring had on it!

 A close up of the speediest applique job ever!
 ...and probably not the best.
Ribbon trim with pink rhinestones.

Applique initial with bling.

The pillow in it's case.
The embellishment are sort of one sided as all of my pillows are.
The fabric goes all the way around, the large rick-rack goes all the way around as  does the tan ribbon that serves to hide the divide the floral fabric from the pillow case.  The back side is left free of applique or rhinestones for comfort.

I truly hope she enjoys it and it brings her comfort through out her courageous battle!  <3

Friday, February 18, 2011

This is the little curch at Picacho, NM.
 It's a tiny little chrch in the tiny community along the Rio Hondo.  It was settled between 1867-68 by settlers who came from the Rio Grande Valley and wanted a good place for their cattle.  It sits at the base of Picacho Peak. 

 It is Our Lady of Purification Catholic Church and Cemetery.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Night Chinese

Tonight was Chinese...but it wasn't take out.
We ate in and had dumplings,
friend rice, and chicken, mushrooms and broccoli in willow sauce.
I was a little bit of a cheater cook. 

We found these Tai Pei dumplings in the freezer section... Yum-O!

Then I made the other two dishes....

Thanks to my uncle who gave me these oriental dishes way back when.  

He passed away around 1994 and I think of him each time I use them.  

I love special dishes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

some ideas are better off staying in my head...

I have been working on a new jacket that is a light grey wool with a nice red pin stripe.  The pattern calls for a small ruffle that goes around the collar and down one side of the front placket.  Cute, I think and decide it would be nice to use the red from the pin stripe.
Oooh and how nice would it be to use a light organdy as a contrast to the medium weight wool...

Oooh and I could save time and effort and use a red organdy ribbon....

So.  I buy a spool of ribbon, break out the needle and thread and create the ruffle. 
I add it to the jacket.

And it looks awful.   Ok, not just awful, but really horrible.   What was I thinking!

The red turned out way brighter and way to... well, clown-like.   I looked liked all I needed was a big red nose and big red shoes... well, you get the picture.

Actually, you don't get a picture.  It was just that bad.

So I ripped it out and redid the collar with no ruffle and we are way better off already.

I think it was a combination of the contrast of texture and the contrast of color.  OH, who cares! It was hideous!

I am thinking now that maybe a 1/8" velvet ribbon in a cranberry red around the edge of the collar would be nice...  I am not on a velvet kick though despite the velvet on the previous jacket collar and despite what you are thinking!

The jacket is 98% done and I hope to work on the matching pencil skirt some tonight.
I've got a vision of a smart looking suit.  
I've always wanted a suit....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Taco Soup Recipe

I had a few people ask what I put in my taco soup so here's the recipe.
It was basically like other's 'dump' recipe where you use canned goods....

1 lb. ground beef or ground turkey
1/4 medium yellow onion (diced)
1 packet taco seasoning
1 15 oz can of diced tomatoes
15 oz chicken stock/broth
1 can dark red kidney beans
1 can corn

Brown beef or turkey in the soup pot over medium heat (drain if needed).  Add diced onion, seasoning packet and tomatoes.  Simmer over medium heat for a few minutes. Rinse kidney beans and drain the corn.  Add remaining ingredients.  Cover and simmer on low until ready to eat. 

To serve:   Add a 2 tablespoons of white Mexican crumbling cheese (Cacique) to the bowl.  Add soup.  Top with any of these - little shredded Mexican blend cheese, sour cream, sliced avocados, crumbled tortilla chips, or more!

It's really good the second day once it has sat in the fridge over night!!

Sipcy Vegetable Cheese Soup

This is my version of the cheesy vegetable soup I had at Side Oats Cafe & Bakery in Menard, TX.

It'is very thick and rich!

1/2 med. yellow onion (diced)
2-3 large carrots (diced)
4-5 mushrooms (diced)
small crown of broccoli (roughly chopped)
2 C chicken stock
5 T butter
4 T flour
12 oz Mexican Velveeta (cubed)
3 1/2 C milk
1-2 T chili powder
1-2 t cayenne powder
salt & pepper to taste

In a large sauce pot melt 2 T butter over medium heat.  Add onions and saute until translucent.  Add diced carrot and all of the chicken stock.  Add chicken stock if it does not cover the carrots and onions completely.  Simmer until carrots are tender.  Stir in mushrooms.  Lay broccoli on top and cover to steam.  When the broccoli is just tender remove pot from heat.

In a large soup pot melt remaining 3 T of butter and add 4 T of flour.  Stir and cook for 2 minutes.   Add milk.  Slowly bring to a boil over med-high heat, stirring until it comes to a boil.  Reduce heat and continue to stir.  As mixture begins to thicken, stir in cubed cheese until melted.  Gently stir in vegetables.  Add chili, cayenne and salt & pepper to taste.

Remove from heat and let it stand to thicken before serving.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

sew day.. uh, I mean, snow day!

My snow day, or I think I should really say ice day, was a huge sew day!
I already had the pattern cut for Butterick B5500 so I hit the ground running this AM... and...

I finished it! All in one day.
Ok, well actually it is 98% finished.  A little hand work is still needed and I need some advice:

Here's the nearly finished jacket.   Just loved the tucked detail on the sleeves:
It's hard to tell in the picture, since it just looks like two lines of stitching, but it's really tucked fabric.
And here's the part I need your opinion on:
I have some velvet ribbon to use... do I
add it to the collar?  There would be about 1/8 of an inch reveal of the collar showing...

add it to the front down the area where the buttons would be....  If I do this I envision adding fancy buttons for looks and then using hooks and eyes to close the jacket, which I will probably never wear closed.

I won't sway your opinion by giving you my gut thought, which was not my original thought...

I will tell you that I actually have a longer velvet ribbon that is 1/2 as wide and is the same royal blue that is in the details.   I thought about adding that around the bottom edge about 2" up and then to the sleeves about an inch above the tuck detail...

*too many decisions*!!!
So I will go to bed and sleep on it and await your opinions.

Monday, January 31, 2011

the next challenge:

Butterick B5500 is my next project:

 I will be making the jacket pictured in the center.  Using this beautiful fabric:

The photo does not do this fabric justice.   The fabric is very dark navy, almost black with tiny flowers in a lighter blue thread woven all over.  I also have two velvet ribbons, of which I plan to use one as a trim somewhere on the jacket.  The wider ribbon is a dark navy and the narrower ribbon is a bright blue that exactly matches the threads in the embroidery.

I will try to get a better shot of the fabric in natural light tomorrow.

One can hope for a sew day, oh, I mean, snow day tomorrow, right?