Friday, March 25, 2011


The sun setting while we were walking the Eagle Run Trail, AKA the dam walk....

blogged on the go from my android phone

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

C365 Update

Yes, if you are following along even remotely closely you will see I skipped a few numbers/days.

I haven't actually skipped them entirely.
I have photos for those days, but I have not had time to post!

I will get them up loaded soon and get caught up :)


C365:18 - Success!

Walked again today.

Started using iMapMyWalk to track my nutrition & exercise! Best part?

Well, there's two best parts ...

1 it's free!

2 it's also an app on my phone!!!

I  LOVE technology! !!!!!!!!

blogged on the go from my android phone

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

C365:16, misadventures

These are my keys:
They have been on a little misadventure all their own for the past 29 hours.

Yep, those are my keys.
And that is my brass key chain.  My key chain that I have had since I was in Jr Hi.  My dad found it for me on one of our trips to Minnesota.  The brass heart is also from way back then.  I bought it at camp in Minnesota.

So as you can tell by the age of my key chain.  I am not the sort of person to lose my keys. 

You know the old adage, You don't know what you've got until it's gone?

It is SO true!

I wasn't sad at all about losing the 18 or so keys on there.  (And yes, I can tell you what each one goes to!)

I was sad about the key chain!

But, they are tonight back with their rightful owner.  Safe and away from the hands of my hubby who left them... at the post office!

I am so blessed to live in a small city where people do the right thing.

I don't guess I'll ever know what sort of adventures they had while they were away.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Finally have a couple little birdies moving in to one of the bird houses my dad made....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


"Open your mouth and close your eyes...
...and you will get a big surprise!"


Just as we were wrapping up things at our cabin....
This sweet lady comes up for some apples and corn!

I can't believe she let me pet her! I was in heaven!


That pretty much sums up Sunday nights dinner and cards with friends.

We had Bambi Bites appetizers, Sweet 'n' Smokey Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, and Tossed Salad.

We drank beer (some of us started a little early, Dave...).
I drank wine(a whole bottle).
We played cards.

...and this is the result.

No more to be said.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


One of our visitors today...  She's got quite a hole in her left ear.

It's a mystery...

Is it a war wound?

Or... was she a rebel in her teen years and got an ear gauge?


Marquis and his fiance Janelle stopped in Ruidoso on their way to San Angelo and let us entertain them!  Of course we took them to our favorite spot to meet all of our gang!

Of course Janelle and I got to talk about possible wedding ideas!!  We are so happy for them!


Steller's Jay - We always see these in pairs here at the cabin... 
Such a beautiful bird!

Friday, March 11, 2011

365: update

the postings for the 365 challenge are on a hiatus.
I am still taking a daily photo, but they aren't going to get uploaded just yet.

too busy!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


A rare sight in West Texas.  a pond along a creek in San Saba County...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today I worked way down south in Rocksprings, TX...  Just outside there is a marker that indicates the Mackenzie Trail that crossed the now Hwy 55 and connected Forts Clark and McKavett.
I used the action scripts from The Pioneer Woman.  Did I mention I love  LOVE Photoshop!??! (not to mention her...)
This was using her Old West Action Script.   It's a little washed out in the sky because it was one of those overcast, but really bright days...
And being in the hurry that I was... well, I didn't take the time to put on the UV filter.

For those interested the marker reads:

Mackenzie Trail
(Merged at this point into SH 55)
When the U.S. Army built Forts Clark (70 MI SW) and McKavett (90 MI NE) in 1852, this frontier trail connected the posts.  After Fort Concho was established in 1867, the trail was extended farther north, to present San Angelo. It was later named for Col. Ranald S Mackenzie, the 1873 Commander of Fort Clark, who traveled it in his campaigns against hostile indians. One of its landmarks was Mackenzie Lake (6.5 MI N) which furnished water for the troops, for settlers, and for Texas Rangers on frontier patrols.

Monday, March 7, 2011


My birthday present arrived!
It actually arrived Friday, but I wasn't able to pick it up until today...

I've already moved in!


I am a little late in posting my first picture of my 365 challenge...
The sun is shining and the clouds are glowing... with a rainbow ring around them...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My new challenge...

The day after my WOA-2011 has come to a close I embark on a new challenge.

I have had several friends try this challenge and I have been waiting for the right time to initiate it.

Now is the time.

I am starting my 365 challenge.   I  am challenging to document one photo a day for 365 days. 

Can I do it? we'll see
Will I be challenged?  I imagine
What will I photograph?  who knows!!

So, today it begins.  Photo # 1 to come sometime today....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

left overs...

left overs are good for creating a new Cricut Gypsy bag....

It is partially lined with the striped fabric...
I used ric rac to help hide the stitching where I attached the lining.
The little handles look like they're held on with buttons.

This bag was made from the scraps left over from Connie's pillowcase.  I also made me a new travel pillowcase, but I haven't taken pictures yet. 
Perhaps tomorrow.

I've come to the conclusion...

... that my inner scrapbooker is being neglected.

I should remedy that.