Monday, January 31, 2011

the next challenge:

Butterick B5500 is my next project:

 I will be making the jacket pictured in the center.  Using this beautiful fabric:

The photo does not do this fabric justice.   The fabric is very dark navy, almost black with tiny flowers in a lighter blue thread woven all over.  I also have two velvet ribbons, of which I plan to use one as a trim somewhere on the jacket.  The wider ribbon is a dark navy and the narrower ribbon is a bright blue that exactly matches the threads in the embroidery.

I will try to get a better shot of the fabric in natural light tomorrow.

One can hope for a sew day, oh, I mean, snow day tomorrow, right?

my sewing haven...

This is my sewing haven... or at least it will be when I am done.   I am in the process of organizing it and getting rid of fabrics I don't think I'll ever use.
 This is the view toward the north...
                                                                     and this....

                                                                                                        ... is the view toward the south.  

I snapped just two quick shots today and had to run.  I was in charge of the salad for our lunch on Sunday and there were two hungry men waiting on me whose hunger wouldn't have had much patience for a blogging seamstress who just needed a few photos.

I realized after I uploaded them you cant even see the antique sewing machine and dress form on the cabinet that I completely cut out of the shot.
I will take more shots as I clear things out and get it organized.  I also had a thought last night for a few posts called Guess the Gadget that I will hopefully get to soon.  There are some interesting gadgets in there!

I have been giving most of the fabric I don't want to my cousin's wife who is a quilter/crafter.   There will be much more.  I have another cousin who will get to share in some of our grandmothers stash as well as a cousin, by marriage, who I already have a small stash set aside for.

I have such visions of this room... I hope they all come true and soon!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Julie & Julia

... or is it the other way around?  Anyway, I just finished watching that movie (yes, for the 1st time - I know, I'm slow).

I thought it was an excellent movie.  I especially liked the parallel stories going back and forth between the two.
I remember watching Julia on TV as a child.   I never watched it religiously, but if I caught it on I would always watch it.  Guess it was the beginnings to My Inner Julia Child in the making.  She was such a determined woman who wouldn't accept that she might not be capable of taking on a challenge, head on, and conquering it with gusto.

It broke my heart a little when, in the movie, Julie got the call and realized she would never meet Julia Child, but I thought it was awesome when she and her husband took their victorious trip to see her kitchen in the Smithsonian. 

I think I need to go out any buy her book Mastering the Art of French Cooking... or just get on Amazon~!

Bon Appetit!

For the MOB...

My latest Cricut cover.  This one I appropriately finished for the MOB (Month of Becky for those of you who aren't in the know).

apple green solid, apple green gingham, hot pink paisley, and a strip of hot pink corduroy with apple green piping dividing the two green fabrics...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The nearly perfect shirt...

Well I finished McCalls6076 view C and think I am going to like this pattern.
Here's the finished version:

I have learned a few things as you do when working with a new pattern...   press here not there in the directions,  taper the sleeves for my liking, and figure out how to work the collar where it meets the shirt front so I don't end up with a bunched up mess like I did with the first one.

I do see this shirt in black with the 3/4 length sleeves in my near future.    I really need a white one too, but I'm going to have to find just the right fabric.  Perhaps a crisp summer weight linen... I mentioned before I think it might make a nice jacket with some applique, or crochet flower applique...

...the possibilities are endless!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sew Perfect....

In my quest for a perfect fit shirt I ran across this pattern:
...which ironically says "The Perfect Shirt" right there on the envelope...
I found this pattern on my mega-score weekend at Hancock Fabrics a couple months ago (more on this in a future reflecting on the past post later).

So I am in the process of this shirt.  Actually all I lack are the button holes and buttons.  I made view B, which if you can't tell from the picture, is the blue long sleeve version. 

Ironically, I made it from a light turquoise polished cotton. 
These are the buttons I chose:
These are adorable little black plastic vintage buttons with bezel set rhinestones.  I think it will be a nice pop on the turquoise.

I hope I love this pattern because I can see it with many variations.   It would even be nice as a jacket with a little heavier fabric, maybe with some velvet trim...

Watch for the finished shirt in my next post!  
Of cours

Thursday, January 27, 2011

a study in vibrance

My last post of 3 in this series.  And my last post using previously shot photos.  Again most of these are SOOC... remember from my previous post what that means? 
Great! It means Straight Ouf Of Camera!


and more Bees!

♥ the splash of red in the center of this shot!

Something simple about daisys in the spring...

Notice the water droplets on the petals from the morning shower we had that day... I love drops on petals!

More Bees!

Farmers' Market
A little over exposed, but something about the kayaks all stacked up with their vibrant colors...

Ok enough of the retro look at my photos..

Now on to newer projects....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a study in black and white

This continues my 3 part post of looking back at photos in my collection.  Post #2 is all about some of my favorite black and white shots I have taken over the years.  Each is labeled with it's location below.  Most of these are SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) shots with only frames added to a couple of them.
Port Townsend, WA

Port Townsend, WA

Ruidoso, NM

Fort Worden State Park, WA

Butchart Gardens, Victoria, BC, Canada

Ruidoso, NM

Port Townsend, WA

Port Townsend, WA
Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Desert Hot Springs, CA

Color to Come!

Thanks to a couple of my friends I scored! 
Michael's Crafts ran an ad saying they were clearancing some of their Cricut cartidges... for $9.99!

Of course this working woman couldn't get there when they opened, but my great friends remembered that Walmart... matches ads and sales!

So.. I took off to Walmart and scored 3 new Cricut Lite cartrdges: $120 for $30!!

Thanks SB Buddies!  ♥ ya!

I ♥ action scripts!!

I've decided to do a series of 3 posts of previous photos I have taken.  This is the 1st of 3 and then I will not bore you with old material... my goal with this blog is to push my creativity and to create new pieces with in my 6 factes of creativity... so for the 1st of 3 posts...

Here are a couple shots I took passing through Ft McKavitt area in the spring of 2010.  I didn't have time to get out of the car and walk around or look so these are all taken from my car.  Thanks to the Pioneer Woman for her Photoshop Action Scripts to enhance the already natural beauty.
I love the way the color in this first edit fades out in the center, but remains vibrant around the edges

The second shot uses the Boost action script.

As does this shot.
PW's Black and White Beauty and Burn the Edges

This last edit uses the Heartland Action Script, also from Pioneer Woman.

♥ that PW blog!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

threads that bind....

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."
--An ancient Chinese belief" 
This is an antique metal table top thread display case.  I have two and they are both in pretty good condition - and full of thread!
 This is a close-up of the side label.  They are both a blue color with gold-ish writing and sliding glass doors.  Amazingly these have both survived the years and in such good shape!

One of my decorative items in my sewing room... a glass bowl filled with pink, cream and white full wooden Clark's spools.  I have so many pieces of little time...

Sew much more to come...

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Origins....

My Inner Seamstress begins a couple generations back....
Two generations ago begins here.
This is my house.  Those of you who know me well are thinking at this point, "Uh, no that doesn't look anything like 'your' house..."  And you're right.  It's not the house that I am currently living in, but it will be my house eventually.
This is the house that my grandparents built in 1925.  It looks only vaguely like this now.  Fast forward to now and you will not see a porch - it was closed in later in the early 50's and is the other 1/2 of our living room now. You also do not see here any sidewalk, lattice arbor, plants, trees, or ... well, the rest of the house.

This photo was taken not too long after they moved in and possibly before my mom was born.  See the three windows on the left?  That's my mom's bedroom.  The bedroom where she was born and was raised as the only girl in a family of 6 children.  This room was my reading and lounging room and sometimes my refuge.  I spent summers here as a really young girl laying across the bed reading one of the hundreds of books on the built in library shelves with the cross breeze blowing across the room and the doves cooing outside the window.  One of the books I remember reading and rereading was a book by Ann Jensen called The Time of Rosie.  From the cover: "Rosie was a pig with a personality and she belonged to 10-year-old Anita, who lived on a ranch in the time of Pancho Villa's swooping raids across West Texas. Anita had decided that Rosie should grow up to be a proper young lady, but pigs WILL be pigs, and Anita was told that Rosie was a better candidate for pork than pet. Despite her unladylike antics, Rosie worked her way into the hearts of the entire family. For them it was a time of terror as the bandits came closer and closer, but it was a wonderful time, too, for it was THE TIME OF ROSIE."
It was sort of the west Texas version of Charlotte's web for a little city girl visiting the west.
But, I digress. 
This home was the home of Dorothy Alice Hoss Buttery.  A pioneer not only in spirit, but through out her lifetime. She grew up in Springfield, IL and Fairfax, OK.  She was in Fairfax when she met my grandfather, Albert James Buttery from the little town of Llano, TX.  He'd recently graduated from pharmacy school in Galveston and he was in Oklahoma for a job.  They married, moved a few times and ended up in San Angelo, TX.  The Grierson Street home was their 3rd in San Angelo.  The previous two, on Allen St. and S David, are still occupied today.
Dorothy Alice Hoss Buttery
This is a portrait taken by a photography studio in early San Angelo.  My guess? She made the dress.  She could make anything.  She made nearly all of her children's clothes from infancy to adulthood. Then made many outfits for her grandchildren.  She sewed for others too and I imagine she stayed very busy with 6 children and all of her domestic duties.
The photo above is of her with one of her children.  It is either my mother or the youngest, her brother, Robert. Notice the crocheted detail down her arm of her dress or jacket.  All hand done by her I imagine.
As I mentioned in my 1st post she was a master of all textile crafts. 

I can't leave out my paternal grandmother though.  My dad's mother, Dagney, could also sew.  I have a couple pieces she made me as a toddler, but I do not know as much about her sewing abilities as I do my maternal grandmother's passion for sewing and creating.

To come:
photos of her sewing passion....
photos of some of the beautiful handwork in the batiste baby clothes...

Passions and Pastimes

I have recently been thinking I need a seperate blog to address my passions and pastimes. 

I am not getting rid of our family's blog ( but creating a new one so I don't overload the other blog with my pastimes and passions...

My plan is to cover my 6 main passions:


Jewelry Making


and Stained Glass
But, I am not oppsed to throwing in a random craft here or there will sure be stories behind the crafts.

The sewing will include projects I make as well as history of my sewing and my grandmother's sewing.  It will also include continues updates on the progress of going through my grandmother's amazing sewing room.  I am at least a 3rd generation crafter... and I am sure it goes back farther than that!
I will have posts of treasures I find, vintage fabrics, notions, patterns, finished pieces and who knows what else!

My cooking posts may be sporadic.  While cooking is a passion... I don't always find the time in my schedule to make it a pastime.

My scrapbooking will also probably be more sporadic than  I would like to scrapbook on a regular basis, but sadly, I don't.  There will most likely be an influx of scrapbooking entries following cropping retreats.

Jewelry making is a passion that occurs when the creativity bug hits.  My jewelry retail site will continue to house the photo charms I make and sell and I will try to stick to my pieces and inspired pieces on this blog.

Stained Glass will most certainly be the area I post the least about. It is the most time consuming and frankly, I don't have the time right now.  Maybe soon.

Lastly is photography.  I love taking pictures and I love Photoshop CS3... I will post here frequently with new photos of places I have been and interesting things I have seen....

So, there it is, in a nutshell.

Next post coming soon....