Monday, January 31, 2011

my sewing haven...

This is my sewing haven... or at least it will be when I am done.   I am in the process of organizing it and getting rid of fabrics I don't think I'll ever use.
 This is the view toward the north...
                                                                     and this....

                                                                                                        ... is the view toward the south.  

I snapped just two quick shots today and had to run.  I was in charge of the salad for our lunch on Sunday and there were two hungry men waiting on me whose hunger wouldn't have had much patience for a blogging seamstress who just needed a few photos.

I realized after I uploaded them you cant even see the antique sewing machine and dress form on the cabinet that I completely cut out of the shot.
I will take more shots as I clear things out and get it organized.  I also had a thought last night for a few posts called Guess the Gadget that I will hopefully get to soon.  There are some interesting gadgets in there!

I have been giving most of the fabric I don't want to my cousin's wife who is a quilter/crafter.   There will be much more.  I have another cousin who will get to share in some of our grandmothers stash as well as a cousin, by marriage, who I already have a small stash set aside for.

I have such visions of this room... I hope they all come true and soon!

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