Sunday, February 27, 2011

the long lost cross...

So, last year for my 40th birthday some friends got together and gave me a gift certificate for a local bead store.
I bought all kinds of goodies including one large off white cross with dark specks and marbling.
It was going to be my newest cross-craft creation.  I had previously used my scrapbooking rub-ons on a flat piece of pink turquoise.  I love the way it turned out!  I also added a few rhinestones.
I am not happy with the overall necklace, but I can change that.

I digress.

Back to the cross.  I envisioned some shabby chic rub-ons and some more rhinestones, of course.
I loaded all my crafting supplies up to take to Ruidoso for the summer where I was hoping the mountain air would inspire me.

At last I felt inspired, got out my jewelry making lot and... no cross!  What??
What could I have done with it??

I searched in every nook and cranny possible.  No cross.   *grrrr*

So fast forward to yesterday.  I bought a new shirt for the rodeo that had some bling.  Notice I said some.  It needed more.  So I get out the Hot Fix Setter and... what???!!??  My cross!  In the box I keep the extra rhinestones in!

So today's project:  Create the Cross-Craft Cross (no alliteration intended, I promise!)
An hour later or so...
Here it is!
I am really happy with the way it turned out!

Now all that's left is to figure out what to wear it on!! I used the shepherds hook so it will be interchangeable.
I have some flat pillow rectangle beads I may try to make a necklace with... not sure yet.  Have to sit back and wait for creativity to strike again. 

Let's just hope it's not another year later!

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